Firstly, I would like to say kudos to all the work Learning Pod 6 has done in putting together this resource. The different sections for this resource are well organized which makes it easy to navigate to the various pages and know what to expect. What is more, the information on the pages all works together well in contextualizing the learning outcomes, assessment plan, as well as the inclusive and technology design sections. That said, the “Learning Theory, Design, and Context” page seems as if it can be more self-referential. To clarify, possibly considering how cognitivism (learning theory section) and cooperative learning (learning design section) are used within the context of this interactive resource may help learners relate these ideas as clearly as the context section on this page. Also, I cannot seem to find the references in text for the learning theory section of the page.

Another area you may choose to consider is using bolded text, a different font, formatting and/or images to indicate examples of code more clearly as given in the “Topics” pages. Seeing as how these examples are crucial for beginners to understand Python, highlighting them in some way to make it more obvious can help learners who may learn differently from others. Also, would it be possible to create a numbered list of the steps needed for learners regarding what is needed to write statements for Python in addition to showing what the results should look like?  Aside from that, I appreciate the effort to provide various materials (e.g., reading, videos, etc.) for learners. I hope you find this feedback useful and please feel free to ask me questions if anything I have written is unclear.